Jumat, 03 Januari 2014


1.      Cancer is a disease that attacks the basic life process of the cell, altering the cell genome (the total genetic complement of the cell) and leading to wild and spreading growth of the cancereous cells.
The cause of the altered genome is mutation of one or  more genes ; or  mutation of a large segment of a DNA strand containing  many genes or loss of large segments of chromosomes (Guyton, 1981).

2.      Cancer is not a single disease with one cause ; rather it is a group  of distinct desease with different causes, manifestations, treatments and prognosis (Brunner).


Ø  å pasien kanker ­ di Amerika, Eropa, Asia
Ø  Kulit hitam > kulit putih
Ø  Vegetarian < non vegetarian
Ø  Faktor penyebab utama : Lingkungan : sosial

§  Fisik : radiasi, perlukaan/lecet
§  Kimia : makanan, industri, farmasi, rokok
§  Genetik : payudara, uterus
§  Virus : umumnya pada binatang

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