Kamis, 19 Desember 2013


Myastenia Grafis :
Penyakit kronis dari neuro muskuler fungtion akibat proses autoumunie yang merusak sejumlah reseptor  asetikolin di membran post sinap otot 
( Hickey , 1977  )

1.    Patofiologis :

A Ch Û  Achn RS

End plate potensial

Serabut otot

Kontraksi otot

Otot lemah / fatique

2.    Nursing Intervensi :
a.    Mantenance of resp fungtions
è initial phase
-          Monitor C. Closery
·         air hunger, dypsnea, confusion, shorthnes of breacth
·         RR : rythim, deapth / 1 – 4 hari
·         BCA : VC / 2 – 4 hari
-          Note : Vc , 15 – 20 ml / kg dan inability to clear secretion

b.    Physical Mobility :
-          Maintenece of profer body aligment
-          Encourage max independence
-          Rom exeruse / 2 – 4 hari ( aktiv / pasif )
-          Kolaborasi : physical dan accup th/
c.    Maintenece skin integrity
d.    Encourage to verbalized feeling è use coping strategis
e.    Discharge planning
Planning for dischanger of the begin an adminission
Succsfull planning prouiders, A smooth transitition from the hospital 10 card mg, dellcetus è dikurangi mis : suhu stres, menstruasi

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